“Getting Started with GTO+: A Step-by-Step Guide to Analyzing Complex Poker Problems

GTO+ is a powerful poker analysis tool that allows you to solve complex game theory optimal (GTO) problems. It is a popular choice among professional poker players and coaches. However, if you are new to GTO+, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of starting to use GTO+.

Step 1: Download and Install GTO+

Please keep in mind that GTO+ is for Windows. You’ll need an OSX emulator like Parallels or Bootcamp to get this to work on your MAC

The first step is to download and install GTO+. You can find the download link on the official website. GTO+ has both a free version and a paid version. The free version has limited features, but it can still be helpful for basic analysis. The paid version has more features and is recommended for serious players.

Once you have downloaded GTO+, follow the instructions to install it on your computer. The installation process is straightforward and should not take long.

Step 2: Understand the Interface

When you open GTO+ for the first time, you will see a complex interface with many options. It can be overwhelming at first, but do not worry. Take your time to understand the different sections and buttons.

The main window is divided into several sections. The upper-left section shows the range of hands you are analyzing. The upper-right section shows the board cards. The lower-left section shows the output, and the lower-right section shows the solver controls.

Step 3: Create a New Solver Tree

To start using GTO+, you need to create a new solver tree. The solver tree is a representation of the different actions you can take at each decision point in a hand. To create a new solver tree, click on File > New Solver Tree. You will be prompted to select the game type, stack sizes, and position.

Step 4: Add Nodes to the Solver Tree

Once you have created a new solver tree, you need to add nodes to it. A node represents a decision point in the hand, such as pre-flop, flop, turn, or river. To add a node, click on the “Add Node” button in the lower-right section. You can add multiple nodes to represent different decision points in the hand.

Step 5: Define Ranges and Actions

After adding nodes, you need to define the ranges and actions for each node. To define a range, click on the range button in the upper-left section. You can select a range from the pre-defined ranges or create your own. To define an action, click on the action button in the lower-right section. You can select a pre-defined action or create your own.

Step 6: Run the Solver

Once you have defined the ranges and actions, you can run the solver by clicking on the “Solve” button in the lower-right section. The solver will calculate the optimal strategy for each decision point in the hand. You can view the output in the lower-left section.

Step 7: Analyze the Output

The output of the solver shows the optimal strategy for each decision point in the hand. You can use this information to analyze your own strategy and identify areas for improvement. You can also use the output to create “what-if” scenarios and analyze different strategies.

GTO+ is a powerful tool that can help you improve your poker game. By following the steps above, you can start using GTO+ and analyze complex poker problems. Remember that GTO+ is just a tool, and you still need to use your own judgment and experience to make the best decisions at the poker table.

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